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  • The effect of parenting stress on social interactive parenting with a focus on Korean employed mothers' parenting support from ecological contexts

    저자 : 홍예지, 이강이 저널명(출판사명) : Children and Youth Service Review 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 96권 초록 (내용소개) This study examined the mediating effects of working mothers' perceived parenting support from multilayered ecological contexts between parenting stress and social interactive parenting in Korea. As the employment rate of Korean mothers has increased over time, there is a growing concern for identifying available and affordable parenting support to allow mothers the opportunity to balance both work and family. This article reviewed the essential supportive factors that working mothers in Korea need to raise an infant within a comprehensive framework. Participants in this study included employed mothers from 445 families who had at least one infant and who were identified from the nationwide Panel Study of Korean children (PSKC). Families were chosen from dual-working families so that both mothers and fathers could be included, as they clearly expressed their current employment status as full-time workers. Structural equation modeling was used to assess the relations among variables. The results verified that parenting stress was negatively associated with perceived family functioning, social support and community support of mothers, and the association between parenting stress and the social interactive parenting of mothers was mediated only by social support. Moreover, the indirect effect of parenting stress on social interactive parenting through social support was significant. These findings suggest the importance of supportive factors in helping mothers balance both work and family after childbirth while also considering the perceived parenting support of working mothers in a scope of multiꠓdimensional ecological contexts. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. 목록 돌아가기


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  • 20-30대 청년세대의 결혼․출산 가치관의 잠재유형과 한국사회 인식 및 개인적 미래 전망의 관련성

    저자 : 진미정, 한준, 노신애 저널명(출판사명) : 가족과 문화 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 31권 1호 초록 (내용소개) This study aims to explore the experience and acceptance of cohabitation among young adults and to examine the relationship between the experience and acceptance of cohabitation and marriage intention. Using online survey data of 446 young adults aged 25 to 39 living in metropolitan cities, we conducted descriptive analysis, logistic regression, OLS regression, and multinomial logisticregression. The results show that one out of ten young adults have been in cohabiting living situations. This study measured cohabitation attitudes by asking how strongly the respondents would agree on three types of cohabitation. We found that acceptance as a marriage process was ranked the highest followed by cohabitation as marriage alternative and acceptance of partner’s previous cohabitation. The cohabitation experience and attitudes were related to gender, age, and child-related values. Cohabitation experience was not associated with marriage intention but cohabitation attitudes were significantly associated with marriage intention of young adults. 목록 돌아가기


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  • 한국 청년의 세대 간 양가성과 세대 간 결속의 연관성 탐색

    저자 : 이진경, 이재림 저널명(출판사명) : 한국가정관리학회지 발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년 권호사항(ISBN) : 37권 1호 초록 (내용소개) The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between intergenerational ambivalence and the structural, associational, consensual, functional, and normative dimensions of intergenerational solidarity among young adults in Korea. Data for this study were collected from 1,019 young adults in Korea aged 19-34, who had never been married and had two living parents. Intergenerational ambivalence toward the father and the mother was analyzed separately using multiple regression analyses. The findings show that the young adults experienced low levels of ambivalence toward their parents in general. The young adults tended to have more ambivalent feelings toward their fathers than toward their mothers. The associational, consensual, functional, and normative dimensions of solidarity were significantly related to levels of intergenerational ambivalence. Specifically, young adults experienced higher levels of ambivalence toward their parents when they had more frequent face-to-face contact with their parents, received more frequent financial support from their parents, or had stronger attitudes toward their parents’ support. In contrast, young adults who agreed more with the norm of filial responsibility experienced lower levels of ambivalence toward their parents. Consensual solidarity was significantly related to levels of ambivalence toward the mother only. This study contributes to the literature by explaining the intergenerational relations of young adults in Korea from the lens of intergenerational ambivalence, which has not yet studied for young adults. The results of this study suggest that intergenerational ambivalence and intergenerational solidarity could theoretically complement each other. 목록 돌아가기


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