Graduate Course Descriptions
아동발달의 쟁점
Topics in Child Development
This course is an in-depth study and discussion of research readings representing a broad range of areas in child development. Contrasting theoretical and methodological approaches are critically evaluated. It will provide an opportunity for developing the ability to deal with practical and theoretical research issues in child development.
장애아동과 가족
Development & Guidance of Special Children
This course is an introduction to the biological, cognitive, and emotional aspects in the development of special children. Emphasis will be placed on the development of antecedents of maladaptation, current theories, intervention strategies, and family therapy.
Studies in Children’s Socio-Emotional Development
This course is an advanced course examining relevant theoretical approaches and empirical findings regarding the social development of children. Contrasting theories are compared and critically reviewed. Methods of promoting children’s optimal social development in the home and educational institutions are devised.
Studies in Children’s Cognitive Development
This is an advanced course examining current theories and recent research on intellectual development from early infancy through middle childhood. Methods of promoting cognitive development of children in the home and educational institutions are discussed.
Studies in Children’s Language Development
This course provides an examination of theories in language acquisition including biological-maturation, environmental-learning, social-psychology, and pragmatism. The influence of environmental factors (peers, home, kindergarten and school) and parent-child interaction on language development are discussed.
놀이와 아동
Play and Children
This course will examine theories on the function of play in the development of children and implications of recent research for facilitating play experiences for young children. The meaning and validity of play in the lives of young children, the different ways that children play and the value of each, and the effect of environment in enhancing and supporting play are explored.
부모자녀관계와 부모교육
Parent-Child Relations and Parenting Education
This course provides an examination of current theoretical and research perspectives in parent-child relations. Issues of child-rearing practices and socialization practices are emphasized.
아동권리와 정책
Children’s Rights and Policies
This course provides an overview of historical/philosophical bases and legal/administrative issues of child welfare. Issues of child environments such as family, school, and society are examined in relation to the welfare of children. Child welfare systems are compared among nations which are different culturally, ideologically and economically.
아동상담 이론과 적용
Theories and Practices of Child Counselling
This is a course designed for the study of theories, issues, problems and new approaches in child counseling. Areas such as optimal child development and adaptation, counseling of special children, child education and child welfare are reviewed.
Child Care Policy
This course provides an overview of historical bases and administrative issues of child care. Child care programs are compared among nations which are culturally different.
Studies in Adolescent Development
This course is an in-depth study and discussion of research readings representing a broad range of areas in adolescent development. The focus will be on the understanding of qualitative and quantitative intellectual development, development process of self-identity, and the relationship between emotions and society in adolescents.
Abnormal Development of Children and Adolescents
This course deals with the comprehensive understanding of the childhood and adolescents’ atypical development. For this purpose, it will be explored that major theories of developmental psychopathology and etiology, prevalence, characteristics, diagnoses and treatments of various developmental disorders. Through the evaluation about recent outcomes and trends of intervention efforts concerning childhood and adolescents’ atypical development, it will be covered how to relate the knowledge to the children’s and adolescents’ welfare programs and policies.
Experimental and Observational Research with Children
This advanced course focuses on the comprehensive understanding and practical application of experimental and observational methods for children. For this purpose, this course explores the theoretical considerations and applications of experiment and observation as an important technique for studying and assessing children. The major principles of experimental and observational design and the statistical concepts and methods appropriate for these methods are also examined.
가족, 학교, 지역사회와 아동
Child Development in Diverse Contexts
This course is designed to help students understand the relationship between child’s development and environmental changes of contemporary Korea. It aims to examine of such issues as effect of recent demographic, social, political, economic, and scientific changes and child’s physical and social development. It also covers various risk factors and protective factors found in various environments of Korean child. Exploration of child development and support system through analysis of Korean social and cultural context out of which they have arisen.
아동 문해 발달과 교육
Children’s Literacy Development and Education
The purpose of this course is to deeply understand the development process of children ‘s literacy from infancy to school-age and to find implications for applying them to educational fields. Students will explore not only classical reading and writing development, but also the relationship between child development or education and visual literacy, TV literacy, technical literacy that extend to digital media.
Studies in Children’s Literature
This course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of literature for children and adolescents. Students apply the theory of children’s literature to interpret and criticize literary works. In addition, they study the latest researches on children’s literature and make their own research design, and select excellent literary works for each developmental stage to construct educational plans.
Research-Based Childcare
This course pursues (1) identifying crucial issues and controversies in various aspects of child educare practice and (2) drawing valid implications for the issues based on scientific research findings. We will grasp the issues of childcare practices through interviews and observations of parents, teachers and children. Then we critically review important classic and recent research findings related to the issues identified, and discuss to draw conclusions. At the end of the course, we share what we have learned with parents and teachers in local community.
Issues in Contemporary Families
This is a seminar course to discuss various contemporary issues in families. Families experience many changes with respect to recent technological trends and globalization. We discuss what impacts these contextual changes could bring and how families adapt to these changes. Included are topics such as trans-national families under globalization, child birth technology, and demographic trends in families.
다양한 가족과 친밀성
Diversity in Families and Intimate Relationships
This course is designed to understand how family diversity has been defined and discussed in the literature and what topics and issues have been addressed in the context of diverse families and close relationships. As future family professionals, we also discuss how family life education, family therapy, and family policies can better identify and support the needs of diverse families and close relationships. Students will be able to explain what family diversity means in the rapidly changing landscapes of Korean and global families.
Conceptual Frameworks in Family Studies
This course provides a comprehensive and integrative review of classic and contemporary theories about the family. Other topics include research review and critical issues in applying the theories to family research.
Seminar in Family Stress
This course deals with theories related to family development, structure, and behavior in response to social and psychological stress. Normal and dysfunctional family behavior will be studied. The emphasis will be on application to crisis intervention in family systems.
Theories of Family Therapy
This course provides the integration of theory, research, and practice of behavioral experiential and communicational family therapies. Readings will include a wide range of original works by major theorists.
Family Policy Research
This course will include a discussion and review of the interrelationship between families and social policy. There will be particular emphasis given to social services, employment & the work force, and values & traditions of family policy.
Marital Relationships
This course intends to give an overview of the various aspects of marital relationships. The course will deal with couple dynamics around fertility decisions, sexuality, parenting, conflict and violence, and stress, providing a deeper understanding of marital relationships for students planning to conduct marriage-related research.
Practicum of Family Professional Service
This course aims to provide a field practicum opportunity for graduate students who major in Child Development and Family Studies. Students are expected to have 90 hour practicum throughout the semester and to learn how to develop and implement family life education programs and family counseling service at Family Centers.
Program Development in Family Life Education
Family life education (FLE) is broadly defined in this course as preventive interventions related to human development and family studies. Specifically, this course focuses on how to develop preventive programs, which refers to designing, implementing, evaluating, and disseminating preventive interventions with structured educational curriculum. We aim to understand the major concepts and principles of FLE, to obtain knowledge and skills that are necessary for developing FLE programs, and to analyze FLE programs using what we learn in this course.
Family Intervention Programs
This course focuses on specific examples of preventive and/or therapeutic intervention programs that address family issues related to mental health and family functioning. As future family professionals, students will be able to discuss what constitutes best practice in intervention programs and how to develop successful intervention programs in family science and related disciplines.
청년의 가족 및 친밀성:
지역, 계층, 젠더
Emerging Adults’ Families and Intimacy Across Region,
Class, and Gender
In this graduate course, we aim to explore emerging and young adulthood within families and intimate relationships. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will delve into three main topics: (1) theories concerning emerging adulthood and the transition to adulthood, (2) intergenerational dynamics encompassing support/transfer, independence, leaving home, and relational complexities, and (3) the spectrum of intimacy including love, dating, marriage, singlehood, and cohabitation. By considering diverse perspectives across regions, socioeconomic classes, and gender, discussions will illuminate the multifaceted nature of family and intimacy issues in emerging and young adulthood.
젠더와 가족관계
Gender and Family Relationships
In this course, we will examine how gender plays out in various aspects of family lives and relationships (e.g., division of household labor, parenting, marital violence, and etc.). Students will develop a familiarity with the empirical, theoretical and methodological foundations of research on the interrelation of gender and family relationships and develop the ability to critically analyze work in this field.
Global Family Policy
This course introduces political and philosophical backgrounds and issues in the development of family policy. It also covers policy-making and implementation process. Students will examine and evaluate how major family policies affect individual families as well as family institution.
노년기의 가족 돌봄
Family Caregiving in Later Life
This course addresses family processes of providing care to older adults with physical and cognitive limitations, stress process models of caregiving, and the mental and physical health consequences of caregiving. Clinical/social services and public policy interventions to assist older adults and family caregivers are also discussed, including evidence-based interventions and innovative and emerging approaches (e.g., technology).
고령화, 사회, 가족
Aging, Society, and Family
This course provides a deeper understanding of population aging and the challenges and opportunities that aging adults face at the individual, familial, and societal levels. Insights and theories from the field of social gerontology and recent empirical research on the social aspects of aging and families will be discussed. The topics include changing views of aging, social ties in later life, intergenerational relationships in aging families, work and retirement, family care and support services for older adults, aging in place, death and bereavement, and social policy issues.
저출생과 지역의 회복탄력성
Low Fertility and Regional Resilience
This course is designed to study low fertility issues from the perspective of quality of family life and regional resilience. This covers topics on family development, collective efficacy, family-friendly infrastructure, and family policy at various community levels. Students are expected to learn both theoretical and empirical perspectives on family life course and regional resilience.
Reading and Research
This is a course designed to improve the graduate students’ master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.
다문화 가족과 아동
Multicultural Families and Children
In this course, students will gain knowledge in various theoretical perspectives, concepts, and approaches that are useful to understanding multicultural families and children. We will discuss theoretical and empirical works on families and children in other multicultural societies, such as the United States along with current discourses and research in Korea. For each class, students are expected to critically reflect on assigned readings, prepare presentations, and actively participate in discussion.
아동가족학연구법 1
Research Methods in Child and Family Studies 1
The basic concepts and tools of statistics employed in child and family studies are examined. An overview of basic statistical concepts, models, and methods using computer software to calculate statistics for the analysis which is needed in practical research will be performed.
아동가족학연구법 2
Research Methods in Child and Family Studies 2
This course focuses on the most advanced statistical techniques in research methods in Child and Family Studies. Students are expected to learn how to interpret advanced statistical models in recent research literature and to apply them into their own research models. Topics included are structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, analysis of discrete outcomes, and panel data analysis.
Graduate Seminar in Child Development and Family Studies
This course is a required course for all graduate students in the department of Child Development and Family Studies. Students will write an empirical paper in English on a topic of their interest and present a final version at the end of the course. Students will learn about writing empirical papers in English, English presentations, and submission and review processes of international scholarly journals. Students will also receive information about library DB and research ethics.
아동가족학 질적연구법
Qualitative Methods in Child and Family Research
In this course, students will learn various qualitative methods for conducting research with children and families. Recent trends of various qualitative research methods in child and family studies will be discussed.