
Chung, Grace H.
Ph. D., Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
M.A., Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
B.A., Biology, University of California, Irvine
- Cheon, Y. M., & Chung, G. H. (In Press). Adolescents’ experience of father’s emotional support and self-evaluation in Korea: Daily dynamics and individual differences. Journal of Research on Adolescence. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12507
- 이지연, 그레이스 정(2019). 잠재프로파일 분석을 통한 청소년기 다문화가정 자녀의 심리적 적응 유형 분류. 다문화사회연구, 12(2), 85-112.
- 이지연, 그레이스 정(2019). 베트남 출신 결혼이주여성의 자녀양육 경험: 위계의 교차 위에 놓여있는 이중민족사회화. 가족과문화, 31(2),
- 허청아, 그레이스 정(2019). 229개 시군구 이주민 분포 프로파일과 청소년의 다문화수용성. 보건사회연구, 39(2), 00-00.
- 김혜성, & Grace, C. (2019). 행복한 대한민국의 ‘김지영’을 위하여 – 남편의 성역할 태도, 양육 분담이 여성의 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향을 중심으로. 여성학연구, 29(1), 35-64.
- 양경선, Grace H. Chung(2019). 빈곤이 청소년의 또래관계에 미치는 영향: 부모의 방임과 청소년 위생습관의 조절된 매개효과. 청소년복지연구, 21(1), 57-76.
- 이지연, Chung, G. H. (2019). 한국판 가족의 민족사회화 척도(Korean version of Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure: K-FESM) 타당화. 한국가족관계학회지, 23(4), 111-134.
- 허청아 & Chung, G. H. (2018). 다문화 청소년의 차별경험, 스트레스, 자아존중감의 잠재프로파일 분류 및 영향요인 검증. 한국가정관리학회지, 36(4), 177-190.
- Lee, J., Cheon, Y. M., Wei, X., & Chung, G. H. (2018). The role of ethnic socialization, ethnic identity and self-esteem: Implications for bi-ethnic adolescents’ school adjustment. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(12), 3831-3841
- 양경선, 김혜성, Chung, G. H. (2018). 청소년의 심리적 건강에 대한 청소년과 부모의 인식 차이와 예측 요인. 한국가정관리학회지, 36(3), 129-141.
- Chung, G. H. & Cheon, Y. M. (2017). A daily diary study of adolescents’ academic stress, physical and psychological well-being, and the moderating effect of family affluence. 청소년학연구, 24(2), 251-276
- Chung, G. H. (2016). Daily dynamics of grateful mood, emotional support from parents, and psychological well-being across seven days among Korean adolescents. International Journal of Human Ecology, 17(2), 43-51.
- 이경상, 최항섭 & 그레이스정. (2016). 미래 청소년 환경변화에 대한 전망적 연구. 미래청소년학회지, 13(3), 1-30
- 이지연 & Chung, G. H. (2016). 다문화청소년의 차별경험과 대처전략이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 대처전략의 조절효과를 중심으로. 보건사회연구, 36(3), 336-362.
- Chung, G. H. & Lim, J. (2016). Marriage immigrant mothers’ experience of perceived discrimination, maternal depression, parenting behaviors, and adolescent psychological adjustment among multicultural families in South Korea. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(9), 2894-2903.
- Cheon, Y. M., & Chung, G. H. (2016). The role of social contact in the experience of discrimination: Implications for subjective health among marriage migrant women in South Korea. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 10(1), 34-49.
- 윤수현, Chung, G. H. (2015). 일본 출신 결혼이주여성이 인지하는 자녀에 대한 민족사회화 수행: 만 7-18세 자녀를 중심으로. 한국가정관리학회지, 33(3), 15-29.
- 천연미, Chung, G. H. (2015). Adolescents’ experience of daily family stress and daily self-evaluation: The moderating effect of frequent family activities. 청소년복지연구, 17(2), 265-287.
- 양경선, Chung, G. H. (2015). 부모의 공감과 청소년의 공감이 청소년의 또래괴롭힘피해자 방어행동에 미치는 영향. 청소년학연구, 22(6), 233-261.
- Yoo, J. P., Lee, S-G., & Chung, G. H. (2015). The associations between socioeconomic status, caregiver’s depressive symptoms, children’s health-promoting behavior, and children’s physical health: A mediation model. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9, 177-193
- 유조안, Chung, G. H. 이상균(2015). 경제적 결핍 경험의 잠재계층과 부모가 보고한 아동 건강의 관계. 사회복지연구, 46(1), 397-431.
- 이상균, 유조안, Chung, G. H. (2015). 잠재계층분석을 통한 아동의 건강증진행위 유형화와 영향요인 분석. 보건사회연구, 35(2), 477-510.
- 이상균, 유조안, Chung, G. H. (2015). 빈곤관련 위험요인의 잠재계층유형이 청소년 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향. 한국청소년연구, 26(3), 47-76.
- Chung, G. H., 이상균, 유조안 (2015). Does today’s parental intimacy predict tomorrow’s peer interaction in daily lives of Korean adolescents?: A mediating role of daily self-evaluation. International Journal of Human Ecology, 16(1), 25-35.
- Chung, G. H., 이상균, 유조안 (2015). 청소년들은 어떤 날 더 행복한가?:부모와의 친밀감이 일상의 행복감에 미치는 영향 및 가구소득과 학교 급에 따른 차이. 가족관계학회지, 20(1), 3-23.
- 허청아, 그레이스정(2015). 동남아출신 어머니와 한국인 아버지의 이중언어사회화가 어머니 출신국 문화에 대한 청소년기 자녀의 태도 및 관계만족도에 미치는 영향. 한국가정관리학회지, 33(2), 103-118.
- 이지연, 그레이스정(2015). 어떤 부부가 함께 여가시간을 보내는가?: 부부공유여가시간의 현황과 부부관계의 질에 관한 탐색. 한국가정관리학회지, 33(2), 149-164.
Yang, K., & Chung, G. H. (2019). Is being Poor Associated with Adolescent Peer Relationships? : Moderated mediation effects of hygiene habits among adolescents and parental neglect. Journal of Youth Welfare, 21(1), 57-76.
Lee, J., & Chung, G. H. (2019). A validation of the Korean version of the Familial Ethnic Socialization Measure (K-FESM) for the 5th and 6th grade multicultural adolescents of marriage migrant mothers from China and Vietnam in Korea. Journal of Family Relations, 23(4), 111-134.
Kim, H., & Chung, G. H. (2019). For the happiness of ‘Kim Ji-young’ in Korea – The effect of husbands’ gender role attitudes and share of child care on women’s marital satisfaction. PNU Journals of Women’s Studies, 29(1), 35-64.
Huh, C., & Chung, G. H. (2019). The Effect of Community’s Distribution of Immigrants on Adolescents’ Multicultural Acceptability. Health and Social Welfare Review, 39(2), 469-499.
Lee, J., & Chung, G. H. (2019). Parenting experiences of marriage migrant women from Vietnam: Bi-ethnic socialization at the intersection of hierarchies. Family and Culture, 31(2), 182-227.
Yang, K., & Chung, G. H. (2019). Is being Poor Associated with Adolescent Peer Relationships? : Moderated mediation effects of hygiene habits among adolescents and parental neglect. Journal of Youth Welfare, 21(1), 57-76.
Lee, J., & Chung, G. H. (2019). A Typology of Adaptation among Multicultural Adolescents : Latent Profile Analysis. The Journal of Multicultural Society, 12(2), 85-114.
Lee, J., Cheon, Y. M., Wei, X., & Chung, G. H. (2018). The Role of Ethnic Socialization, Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem: Implications for Bi-ethnic Adolescents’ School Adjustment. , (12), 3831-3841.
Yang, K., Kim, H., & Chung, G. H. (2018). Parent-Adolescent Discrepancies and Predictors in the Reporting of Adolescent’s Psychological Health Status. J. of Korean Home Management Association, 36(3), 129-141.
Huh, C., & Chung, G. H. (2018). Identifying Latent Profiles of Discrimination, Stress, and Self-Esteem among Multicultural Adolescents and Predictors of Profile Membership. J. of Korean Home Management Association, 36(4), 177-190.
Chung, G. H., & Cheon, Y. (2017). A Daily Diary Study of Adolescents’ Academic Stress, Physical and Psychological Well-Being, and the Moderating Effect of Family Affluence. Korean Journal of Youth Studies, 24(2), 251-276.
Chung, G. H., & Lim, J. Y. (2016). Marriage immigrant mothers’ experience of perceived discrimination, maternal depression, parenting behaviors, and adolescent psychological adjustment among multicultural families in South Korea. , (9), 2894-2903.
Lee, J., & Chung, G. H. (2016). The Influence of Discrimination and Coping Strategies on Life Satisfaction of Multicultural Adolescents: The Moderating Effect of Coping Strategies. Health and Social Welfare Review, 36(3), 336-362.
Lee, K., Choi, H., & A Study of the Prospect for the Future of Youth Environmental Change. Journal of Future Oriented Youth Society, 13(3), 1-30.
Grace H. Chung (2016). Daily Dynamics of Grateful Mood, Emotional Support from Parents, and Psychological Well-Being across Seven Days among Korean Adolescents. International Journal of Human Ecology, 17(2), 43-51.
Chung, G. H. (2016). Daily Dynamics of Grateful Mood, Emotional Support from Parents, and Psychological Well-Being across Seven Days among Korean Adolescents. , (2), 43-51.
Hong, S., & The Impact of Adolescents` Perceived Parental Conflict on School Adjustment: The Mediating Effect of Parents-Adolescent Closeness and Depression. Journal of Family Relations, 19(4), 101-120.
Yoo, J., Chung, G. H., & Lee, S. (2015). The association between the latent classes of household economic deprivation experience and parent-reported measures of child health. Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies, 46(1), 397-431.
Huh, C., & The Effect of Bilingual Socialization of Mothers from Southeast Asia and Korean Fathers on Adolescents’ Attitude toward Mothers’ Native Culture and Mother-Adolescent Relationship Satisfaction. J. of Korean Home Management Association, 33(2), 103-117.
Lee, J. & Chung, G. H. (2015). Which Couple Has More Shared Leisure Time? : The Exploration of Shared Leisure Time and Marital Relationship in Korea. J. of Korean Home Management Association, 33(2), 149-164.
Chung, G. H., Lee, S., & Yoo, J. (2015). On What Days Are Adolescents Happier?: The Daily Effect of Intimacy with Parents on Happiness and Its Variation by Household Income and School-Level. Journal of Family Relations, 20(1), 3-23.
Park, H. J., & Chung, G. H. (2015). A multifaceted model of changes and adaptation among Korean mothers of children with disabilities. , (4), 915-929.
Cheon, Y., & Adolescents` Experience of Daily Family Stress and Daily Self-Evaluation: The Moderating Effect of Frequent Family Activities. Journal of Youth Welfare, 17(2), 265-287.
Yoon, S., Chung, G. H. (2015). Perceived Enactment of Ethnic Socialization by Japanese Marriage Migrant Mothers of 7- to 18-Year-Old Children. J. of Korean Home Management Association, 33(3) 15-29.
Chung, G. H., Lee, H., Lee, J., & Lee, K. (2015). A mediational model of school involvement, knowledge about a child’s school life, and parental efficacy among South Korean mothers. , (4), 899-908.
Chung, G. H., Yoo, P., & Lee, S. (2015). Family Studies : Original Article ; Does Today`s Parental Intimacy Predict Tomorrow`s Peer Interaction in Daily Lives of Korean Adolescents?: A Mediating Role of Daily Self-Evaluation. International Journal of Human Ecology, 16(1), 25-35.
Yang, K., & The Influence of Parental Empathy on Adolescents’ Defending Behaviors in Bullying Situations: Testing the Mediation Effect of Adolescent Empathy. Korean Journal of Youth Studies, 22(6), 233-261.
Lee, S., Yoo, J., & The effect of poverty-related risks on health promoting behaviors in early adolescence: Mediation analysis with a multicategorical class membership. Studies on Korean Youth, 26(3), 47-76.
Yoo, J., Lee, S., & Chung, G.H. (2015). Identification and Prediction of Latent Classes of Health Promoting Behaviors among Children. Health and Social Welfare Review, 35(2), 477-510.
Yoo, J. P., Chung, G. H., & Lee, S. G. (2015). The Associations Between Socioeconomic Status, Caregivers’ Depressive Symptoms, Children’s Health‐Promoting Behavior, and Children’s Physical Health: A Mediation Model. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9(2), 177-193.
“The Integrated 5C Child and Family Professional Training Program: Competent, Cross-disciplinary, Creative, Collaborative, and Committed” / Principal Investigator / 2016-Ongoing / National Research Foundation of Korea, Ministry of Education
“Education-Counseling Support Program for Health improvement and cultural adaptation among Filipino women and children” / 2019 / Principal Investigator / Private Institution
“Acculturation, health, and big data: Filipino women’s diet and health study” / 2019-Ongoing / Co-Investigator / Seoul National University
“Filipino women’s diet and health study: A follow-up research” / 2018-Ongoing / Co-Investigator / Private Institution
“Developmental Trajectories of Adaptation among Children of Multicultural Families: Exploring the Types of Adaptation and the Effect of Protective Factors” / 2018-Ongoing / Principal Investigator / Korean Ministry of Education
“Curriculum Development for Training of Parenting Education Instructors (Basic Course: Understanding of Parenting Education for Developmental Stages and Family Types)” / 2017 / Principal Investigator / Korean Institute for Healthy Family
“2017 Support for College Population Education Course (Marriage and Family” / 2017 / Principal Investigator / Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare