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Choi, Naya 


전공Child Development (Child Language and Cognition Lab)
주소Bldg. 222, Rm. 408

Choi, Naya 


AreaChild Development (Child Language and Cognition Lab)
OfficeBldg. 222, Rm. 408


Ph. D., Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University


M. A., Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University


B. A., Linguistics (Chinese Language & Literature Minor), Seoul National University

Recent Publications (2013-)
  • Cho, H., & Choi, N. (2025). Children’s moral judgments and reasoning regarding environmentally harmful behaviors: Variation by victim type and moderation effect of connectedness to nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101, 102475.
  • Kim, H., Pyun, J., & Choi, N. (2024). Development and validation of a Korean parental perception scale on private education for early childhood and elementary students. The Journal of Korea Open Association for Early Childhood Education, 29(6), 25-45. 
  • Ma, J., Pyun, J., & Choi, N. (2024). Relationship between the Support for the Foreign Mother’s Home Language and Child’s School Adaption in Korean Multicultural Families: A Dual Mediation Model. Welfare & Cultural Diversity Studies, 6(3),  35-60.
  • Choi, N., Pyun, J., Kim, H., Lee, E., & Yang, Y. (2024). The Effects of Cognitive Abilities and Home Environment on the Literacy Skills of First Grade Children. Journal of Families and Better Life, 42(3), 45-61. 
  • Cho, H., Choi, N., & Kang, Li.  (2024). Effects of Parental Beliefs Toward Bilingual Education and Parents’ Bilingual Proficiency on Korean-Chinese Children’s Bilingual Proficiency in China: Children’s Codemixing as Mediator. Bilingual Research, 97, 279-298. 
  • Ma, J., Choi, N., Shin, S., & Kim, M. (2024). Predictors of Expressive Vocabulary Delay in Children: The Quality of Home Environment in 3-Year-Old Late Talkers and Typically Developing Children. The Korean Journal of Human Development, 31(3), 121-133.
  • Pyun, J., Lee, S., & Choi, N. (2024). Adolescent reading characteristics and transition patterns: A latent transition analysis of individual, family, and school influences. Journal of Reading Research, 72, 197-232.
  • Lee, S., Pyun, J., Yang, Y., & Choi, N. (2024). The Experience of Mothers of Primary School Children with Developmental Dyslexia: A Photovoice Study. The Korea Journal of Learning Disabilities, 21(2), 49-76.
  • Kim, H., Lee, E., & Choi, N. (2024). A Comparison of Regions’ Educational Gap and Depopulated Areas: Predicting Trends in Regional Population Characteristics through Topic Modeling of News from 2004 to 2023 and Time Series Analysis. The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 24(14), 221-241.
  • Park, J., & Choi, N. (2024). Effects of Parental Perception of Home-Based Fine Motor Experiences on Young Children’s Frequency of Fine Motor Activities: Mediating Effect of Home Environment. Journal of Home Economics Education Research, 26(2), 51-63.
  • Ma, J., Choi, N., & Grace H. Chung. (2024). Case Study on Bilingual Mentor Placement in Daycare and the Adaptation of Foreign Infants and Toddlers. Multicultural Education Studies, 17(2), 161-188.
  • Lee, S., Kim, D., Kim, H., & Choi, N. (2024). Portraying Seoul: a content analysis of Seoul in Korean picture books. The Institute of Seoul Studies, 95, 1-31.
  • Choi, N., Jung, S., & Choi, J. (2024). Development and Validation of Korean Honorifics Use and Interaction Scale for Preschoolers. The Korean Journal of Human Development, 31(2), 143-158.
  • Choi, N., Kim, H., Pyun, J., Yang, Y., & Lee, E. (2024). The Differences in First Grade Children with Hangeul Acquisition Difficulties and Typically Developing Children by Preschool Literacy Interaction Profile. The Korean Journal of Human Development, 31(1), 101-117.
  • Park, S., & Choi, N. (2024). Difference in Children’s Content Comprehension and Incidental Word learning During Video Watching According to the Utterance Level of an Adult. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement and Intervention, 15(1), 41-62.
  • Kim, H., & Choi, N. (2024). Exploration of Literacy Guidance Types of Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers and Parents Using Latent Profile Analysis: Predicting the Perception Toward Intensive Hangeul Education Policy and Children’s Types of Hangeul Acquisition Level. Early Childhood Education Research & Review, 28(1), 59-84.
  • Lee, S. E., Pyun, J., & Choi, N. (2023). Latent Profiles of Reading Time among Primary School Children: Their Association with Academic Association and Parent-Child Literacy Interactions. Korean Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 17(3), 77-101. https://doi.org/10.5718/kcep.2023.17.3.77
  • Choi, N., Pyun, J., Kim, H., Lee, E., & Yang, Y. (2023). Comparison of Development and Home Literacy Environments of First Graders with Hangeul Acquisition Difficulties with Their Peers. The Korean Journal of Human Development, 30(4), 165-183. https://doi.org/10.15284/kjhd.2023.30.4.165
  • Choi, N., Jung, S., & No, B. (2023). Learning a Foreign Language under the Influence of Parents: Parental Involvement and Children’s English Learning Motivational Profiles. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-023-02701-1
  • Lee, S. E., Choi, N., & Kim, E. (2023). An Analysis of Latent Profiles of Parental Competence for Mothers of Third Graders:Differences in Parental Psychological Reactions and Support Activities to Education. The Korean Journal of Human Development, 30(3), 123-135. https://doi.org/10.15284/kjhd.2023.30.3.123
  • Kim, H., Choi, N., & Pyun, J. (2023). The relationship between kindergarten and elementary school teachers’and parents’ attitudes toward Intensive Hangeul Education Policyand literacy guidance. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Education, 43(5), 261-286. https://doi.org/10.18023/kjece.2023.43.5.011
  • Kim, H., & Choi, N. (2023). A comparison between parents’ and teachers’ literacy guidance to kindergarten and elementary school children: Focusing on the level of children’s Hangeul acquisition. The Journal of Korea Open Association for Early Childhood Education, 28(3), 153-175. http://dx.doi.org/10.20437/KOAECE28-3-07.

    • Lee, S. E., Choi, N., & Kiaer, J. (2023). The social perceptions of young children’s use of smart devices in South Korea: Evidence from big data methodologies. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(3). ep424. https://doi.org/10.30935/cedtech/13098.
    • No, B., & Choi, N. (2023). The profile of children’s English learning motivation and English anxiety: Relationship with English achievement, self-efficacy, and self-directed learning strategies. The Journal of Child Education32(2), 83-102. http://dx.doi.org/10.17643/KJCE.2023.32.2.05.
  • Lee, S, E., & Choi, N. (2023). Ecological variables affecting library satisfactions of mothers of early school-age children. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science57(1), 233-261. https://doi.org/10.4275/KSLIS.2023.57.1.233.

  • Choi, N., Choi, J., Jung, S., Kim, H., & Park, S. (2023). Effects of literacy environment and quantity and quality of reading interaction on preschoolers’ early literacy skills: Latent profile analysis. The Korean Journal of Human Development, 30(1), 121-138. https://doi.org/10.15284/kjhd.2023.30.1.121.

  • Jung, S., & Choi, N. (2022). Effects of parents’ word instruction on preschoolers’ receptive vocabulary size: Mediating effect of word awareness. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 43(4), 377-387. https://doi.org/10.5723/kjcs.2022.43.4.377.

  • Han, Z., & Choi, N. (2022). The effect of Korean-Chinese parental cultural maintenance values on Children’s Korean language proficiency: sequential mediation of Korean use at home and children’s interest. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Education, 42(6), 127-153. http://dx.doi.org/10.18023/kjece.2022.42.6.006.

  • Lee, S. E., Choi, N., & Kiaer, J. (2023). The social perceptions of young children’s use of smart devices in South Korea: Evidence from big data methodologies. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15(3), ep424. https://doi.org/10.30935/cedtech/13098.

  • Choi, N., Sheo, J., Jung, S., & Choi, J. (2022). Newspaper Reading in Families with School-Age Children: Relationship between ParentChild Interaction Using Newspaper, Reading Motivation, and Academic Achievement. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14423. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192114423.

  • Choi, J., & Choi, N. (2022). The effects of gender role attitude, time used for childcare and cultural/leisure activities on life satisfaction of 30s and 40s parents in their child rearing stage: The aspects of time use. The Korean Journal of the Human Development, 29(3), 281-311.

  • Choi, J., & Choi, N. (2022). Trend analysis of parenting education programs using picture books in Korea. Journal of Children’s Literature and Education, 23(3), 49-83.
  • Pyun, J. A., & Choi, N. (2022). The moderating effects of maternal parenting behavior on the relationship between children’s reading time and executive function difficulty. Journal of Families and better life, 41(2), 31-45.
  • Cho, H. J., Jo, J. H., Choi, N., Choi, J., & Park, W. (2022). Environmental themes and ecosystem services in picture books about forests for sustainability education. Journal of Forest Research, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/13416979.2022.2087667
  • Guo, M. Y., Choi, N., & K, L. (2022). The effects of bilingual language use and home literacy environment of Chinese-Korean families on 3-year-old children’s expressive vocabulary. Journal of future Early Childhood Education, 29(2), 185-214.
  • Cho, H. J., Choi, J., Choi, N., & Jo, J. H. (2022). Exploring the Emotional Vocabulary related to Ecosystem Services and Human Impact on Forests in the Picture Books about Forests. (Journal of Children’s Literature and Education, 23(2), 125-157.
  • Choi, N., Jung, S., Choi, J., Park, S., & Kim, H. (2022). Effects of Balanced and Integrated Literacy Education Program for Early Childhood on Preschoolers’ Basic Literacy Skills. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement and Intervention, 13(1), 21-49.
  • Choi, J. & Choi, N. (2022). The meaning of care that child-care teachers construct in social relationships. Korea Journal of Child Care and Education, 134, 29-56.
  • No, B. & Choi, N. (2022). Writing Development of Children before Entering Primary School: Focusing on Graphomotor Skills and Written Expression. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 43(1), 47-59. 
  • Cho, H. J., Kiaer, J., Choi, N., & Song, J. (2022). The role of prosodic and visual information in disambiguating wh-indeterminates: The case of Korean three-year-olds. Journal of Child Language, 1-23.
  • Choi, N., No, B., Choi, J., & Oh, T. (2021). Differences in vocabulary and reading interests of children between clusters of reading environments at home. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 21(22), 23-37.
  • Kang, L., Choi, N., & Kang, S., Y. (2021). Minority language proficiency of multicultural adolescents: The effects of bicultural acceptance attitudes, parents’ educational support, and the use of the minority language at home. Family and Environment Research, 59(4), 543-556.
  • Park, Y., Choi, N., & Kim, B. (2021). Effects of teaching presentation methods and visual and auditory working memory capacity. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 42(6), 721-740.
  • Choi, N., Kang, S., & Kim, D. (2021). Effects of temperament and parent–child interactions on children’s interest in learning English: The case of English immersion institutions. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. doi:10.1007/s40299-021-00615-4
  • Jun, E,. & Choi, N. (2021). The Relationship between mother’s learning involvement, home literacy environment, and self-directed learning ability and literacy ability of preschoolers. Journal of Early Childhood Education & Educare Welfare, 25(3), 9-38. 
  • Choi, N., Cho, H. J., Kang, S., & Ahn, H. (2021). Korean Children’s Attitudes toward Varieties of English: The Role of Age and English Learning Environment. Languages, 6(3), 133https://doi.org/10.3390/languages6030133.
  • No, B. & Choi, N. (2021). Differences in graphomotor skills by the writing medium and children’s gender. Education Sciences, 11, 162.
  • Kang, S., & Choi, N. (2021). Effects of explaining on young children’s executive function: A comparative analysis of varying interaction levels during the explanation task. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement and Intervention, 12(2), 1-27.
  • Kiaer, J., Morgan-Brown, J., & Choi, N. (2021). Young children’s foreign language anxiety: The case of south Korea. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • Ahn, H., Choi, N., & Kiaer, J. (2021). Multilingual “native” speakers of the English language: The perceptions of university students from the United Kingdom, Singapore and South Korea, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2021.1893174
  • Choi, N., Choi, J., No, B., & Oh, T. (2021). Effects of parent-child wordplay program using picture books on reading interactions, story comprehension, and phonological awareness of 4-year-old children. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement and Intervention, 12(1), 71-102.
  • Lee, S. E. & Choi, N. (2021). The mediating role of bicultural experience in the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction of multicultural adolescents. Journal of Families and Better Life, 39(1), 17-29.
  • No, B., & Choi, N. (2020). The developmental trajectories and predictors of peer support among multicultural adolescents using growth mixture models. Studies on Korean Youth, 31(4), 191-222.
  • Choi, N., Kim, T., Kiaer. J., & Morgan-Brown, J. (2020). Mothers’ educational beliefs and preschoolers’ English learning attitudes: The mediating role of English experiences at home. SAGE Open (Language Teaching Research). October 2020. 1-11.
  • Kang, S., & Choi, N. (2020). Prolonged breastfeeding can reduce internalizing problem behaviours of young children by enhancing mothers’ social parenting, Early Child Development and Care, 19(3), 2159-2169.
  • No, B., & Choi, N. (2020). Comparing young children’s writing development on a tablet screen and paper. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement and Intervention, 11(3), 27-52.
  • Choi, N., Park, Y., & Choi, J. (2020). Effects of education and mothers’ perceptions regarding English education on preschoolers’ interests in learning English: A comparison between general kindergartens and English immersion institutes. Family and Environment Research, 58(4), 585-599.
  • Ahn, H., Choi, N., & Kiaer, J. (2020). South Korean perceptions of ‘native’ speaker of English in socialand news media via big data analytics. Journal of English as a lingua franca, 9(1), 33-56.
  • Choi, N., Lee, S., & Zhao, H. (2020). The effects of L2 motivational self on English achievement with a mediating role of English learning strategies: Comparison of general and special-purpose high schools. Studies in English Education, 25(3), 471-493.
  • Choi, J., & Choi, N. (2020). Children’s prosocial choices after buddy reading: Intention to share resources in cooperative and competitive reading. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Education, 40(5), 113-133.
  • Choi, J., & Choi, N. (2020). Young children’s reading responses and story comprehension in the buddy reading of wordless picture books: Comparing cooperation and competition in reading. Korean Journal of Child Stuies, 41(5), 31-44.
  • Jung, S., & Choi, N. (2020). Development and validation of parent-child lexical interaction scale for preschoolers (PLIS-P). Family and Environment Research, 58(3), 429-445.
  • Choi, J., Park. Y., & Choi, N. (2020). The mediating factors between affective school environment and 3rd graders’ academic abilities: Teacher-child relationship, peer relationship, and executive function difficulty. The Journal of Elementary Education, 33(3), 259-282.
  • Choi, N., Sheo, J., & Kang, S. (2020). Individual and parental factors associated with preschool children’s foreign language anxiety in an EFL setting. Elementary Education Online, 19(3), 1116-1126.
  • Choi, N., Kiaer, J., Jun, E., & Kim, T. (2020). Effects of listening/reading comprehension and morphological awareness on first graders’ writing to dictation: A comparison of the effect of memorization. International Journal of Education & Practice, 8(2), 278-288.
  • Choi, J., & Choi, N. (2020). The influence of internal and external learning motivation of 4-year-old children on reading behaviors of wordless picture books: Moderating effect of cooperative and competitive context. Journal of Children’s Lirerature and Education, 21(2), 35-57.
  • Lee, M., Choi, N., Jung, S., & Cho, H. J. (2020). The influence of speaking and listening ability on the intrinsic and extrinsic learning motivation of 3 year old children. Journal of Early Childhood Education & Educare Welfare, 24(2), 161-186.
  • Lee, S., & Choi, N. (2020). A big data analysis of social perceptions of childhood obesity. Journal of Korean Society of Child Welfare, 69(1), 57-80.
  • Shim, D., & Choi, N. (2020). Creative problem solving process of infants in attempts to solve a problem in the touchscreen task. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement and Intervention, 11(1), 1-26.
  • No, B., Kang, S., Lee, N. K., & Choi, N. (2020). The structural relationship among trajectories of ego-resilience, neglectful parenting, bilingual competency, and acculturative stress of multicultural adolescents in South Korea. Sustainability, 12, 2108.
  • Kim, S., & Choi, N. (2020). The relationships between childrenʹs ego function and fear of negative evaluation affecting academic failure tolerance in early school age: Analysis by grade level considering sustainability of academic motivation. Sustainability, 12, 1888.
  • Jung, S., Choi, N., & Jung, S. (2020). The effects of the first reading experience of infancy on reading and academic achievement of elementary first graders. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 415-425.
  • Jung, S., & Choi, N. (2020). Effect of family functioning on preschoolers’ school readiness: Mediating effects of mothers’ affective parenting and preschoolers’ self-regulation. Family and Environment Research, 58(1), 1-12.
  • No, B., Park, S., Park, H. J., & Choi, N (2020). An Analysis of Latent Profiles of Educational Support in Parents of Early School-Aged Children: Predictors and Differences in Children’s School Adjustment. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 41(1), 15-28.
  • Choi, N., Kang, S., Cho, H. J., & Sheo, J. (2020). Children’s Interest in Learning English Through Picture Books in an EFL Context: The Effects of Parent–Child Interaction and Digital Pen Use. Education Sciences, 10, 40.
  • Choi, N. & Cho, H. J. (2020). Temperament and home environment characteristics as predictors of young children’s learning motivation. Early Childhood Education Journal, 48, 607-620.
  • Choi, N., Jung, S., Park, Y., & Chung, H. (2020). The effects of satisfaction with school English instruction & parent’s pressure for academic achievement on student’s English motivation & behavior: Comparison between general & special-purpose high schools. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 20(2), 1177-1206.
  • An, H., No, B., & Choi, N. (2019). Effects of child’s temperament, mother’s epistemic curiosity and child-mother exploratory interaction on child’s epistemic curiosity. Journal of Cognitive Enhancememt & Intervention, 10(4), 1-28.
  • Park, S., Jang, Y., & Choi, N. (2019). The influence of mother’s guidance on the languag ability of early childhoods: Focusing on the implications of language Education. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 19(22), 345-362.
  • Choi, N., Cho, H. J, Kang, S., & Sheo, J. (2019). Development of young children’s English learning interest and anxiety rating scale. Journal of Early Childhood Education & Educare Welfare, 23(3), 7-38.
  • Kiaer, J., Park, M. J., Choi, N., & Driggs, D. (2019). The roles of age, gender and setting in Korean half-talk shift. Discourse and Cognition, 26(3), 279-308.
  • An, H. R. & Choi, N. (2019). Children’s evaluation of information on physical and biological phenomena: The roles of intuition and explanation. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 40(4), 179-198.
  • No, B., Jung, J., Choi, N., & Lee, K. (2019). The longitudinal effects of multicultural adolescents’appearance satisfaction and Korean language skills on school adjustment and the mediating effect of self-esteem. Family and Environment Research, 57(3), 407-417.
  • Choi, J., & Choi, N. (2019). Exploring the factors affecting the probability of addiction to digital media in te elementary 3rd graders: Focusing on executive function difficulty, pragmatical competence, and happiness. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 19(13), 629-651.
  • Pack, Y. H., Park, J. E., Kim, D., Sheo, J., Choi, N. (2019). The mediating effect of sleep duration on the relationship between four-year-old’s electronic media usage time and third-grader’s peer attachment: Longitudinal analysis using latent variable modeling. The Journal of Korea Open Association for Early Childhood Education, 24(3), 317-338.
  • Choi, N., & Kim, S. (2019). Bilingual expectations and recognition of children by Korean mothers living in Singapore. Journal of Korean Home Management Association, 37(2), 207-220.
  • Choi, N., & Jung. S. (2019). Development and validation of Home Newspaper Utilization Scale for Elementary school students (HNUS-E). Family and Environment Research, 57(2), 225-241.
  • Kang, S., No. B., Lee, N. K., & Choi. N. (2019). Learning English at home: Young children’s use of English educational media in South Korea. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 9(5), 350-355.
  • Choi, N., Kang, S., Cho, H. J., & Sheo, J. (2019). Promoting young children’s interest in learning English in EFL context: The role of mothers. Education Sciences, 9(1), 39.
  • Choi, N., No, B., Jung, S., & Lee, S. E. (2019). What affects middle school students’ English anxiety in the EFL context? Evidence from South Korea. Education Sciences, 9(1), 39, 1-11.
  • Pack, Y. H., Park, J. E., Kim, D., Sheo, J., Choi, N. (2019). The mediating effect of attentional problem on the relationship between preschool children’s educational electronic media usage time and first-grade children’s academic ability: Multigroup analysis across gender. The Journal of Korea Open Association for Early Childhood Education, 24(1), 1-23.
  • Park, J., Choi, N., Kiaer, J., & Seedhouse, P. (2019). Young children’s L2 vocabulary learning through cooking: The case of Korean EFL children. The Asian EFL Journal, 21(1), 110-139.
  • Kim. E., Kang, S., Jung, H., Lee, K., & Choi, N. (2018). The relations among middle school students’ perceived school climate, trajectories of self-resilience, and self-directed learning. Korean Journal of Educational Research, 56(4), 209-232.
  • Han, C. H., Choi, N., & Yi, S. (2018). The effects of a classical poetry program on aesthetic language expression and Chinese character recognition of four-year-old Chinese children. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 39(5), 93-109.
  • Park, J. E., Lee, J. A., Jung. H. M., Choi, N. (2018). The effects of fathers’ emotional valuation of children and parenting behaviors on children’s school readiness and executive function. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 39(5), 67-79.
  • No. B. & Choi, N. (2018). The effects of family SES on the home environment stimuli and affective parenting for linguistic and cognitive development of 5-year-olds. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 18(20), 661-686.
  • Hong, Y. J., An. H. R., Lee, K., & Choi, N. (2018). Peer play discontinuity and school readiness in 5-year-olds: The moderating effect of social competence. The Korean Journal of the Human Development, 25(3), 133-152.
  • No, B., Park S., Choi, N., & Park, H. J. (2018). Examining developmental trajectories and predictors of early childhood externalizing behavioral problems and school adjustment: A growth mixture modeling approach. The Korean Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 18(2), 175-201.
  • Choi, N., Jun, E. Song, J. M. (2018). Writing dictation in the first grade: Cluster predictability of mother’s stress in academic guidance and writing instruction. The Korean Journal of the Human Development, 25(2), 223-247.
  • Han, C. H., Choi, N., & Yi, S. (2018). The effects of language teaching programs through Tang poems on phonological awareness of Chinese 4-year-old children. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction, 18(9), 415-442.
  • Jun, E. & Choi, N. (2018). The effects of mothers’ learning involvement, preschooler’s self-directed learning ability and self-regulation on their math ability: Relationship with maternal achievement goal orientation. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 4(3), 76-79.
  • Jeong, S. & Choi, N. (2018). The Structures among elementary school students’ parent-child relationship, ego strength, school adaptation, self-regulated learning ability and academic achievement. The Korean Journal of Human Development. 25(1), 121-145.
  • Jeong, S. & Choi, N. (2018). The validity and norms of reading motivation scale for elementary school students. The Journal of Child Education, 27(1), 215-240.
  • Kang, S., Hong, Y., Choi, N., & Lee, K. (2017). The relationship between breastfeeding duration and preschooler problem behavior: The mediating role of cognitive development. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 38(6). 63-77.
  • Hong, Y., Kang, S., Lee, K., & Choi, N. (2017). The longitudinal effects of young children’s home environment stimuli on social competence: The mediating effects of linguistic and cognitive development. The Korean Journal of Human Development. 24(4), 161-178.
  • Jeong, S. & Choi, N. (2017). Development of reading motivation scale for elementary school students. The Journal of Elementary Education, 30(4), 151-187.
  • Cho, S., & Chio, N. (2017). The effects of children`s daily stress on their preferences for kindergarten activities and learning motivation. Journal of Future Early Childhood Education, 24(2), 261-284.
  • Han, J., & Choi, N. (2017). The effects of mothers’ play beliefs, children’s gender and home play frequency on their play preferences. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 38(2), 219-232.
  • Choi, Y,. & Choi, N. (2017). The influence of mothers’ beliefs, guidance, and use of resources about emergent and conventional writing on children’s writing ability. Journal of Korean Home Management Association, 34(2), 47-61.
  • Hawng, K., & Choi, N. (2017). Effects of mothers’ perceptions about early childhood English education on preschoolers’attitudes toward learning English. Journal of Early Childhood Education & Educare Welfare, 21(1), 189-211.
  • Park, S., & Choi, N. (2017). The relationships among mothers` perceptions on picture books, interactions with children through reading, and the expressive language ability of children: Comparison of regular books and E-books. Korean Society of Children’s Literature & Education, 18(1), 69-91.
  • Choi, N. (2017). Development and validation of the scale on young children’s preferences for literacy activities. The Korean Journal of Human Development, 24(1), 1-23.
  • Jun, E,. & Choi, N. (2017). Cluster analysis by children’s basic learning ability and mother’s achievement expectation anxiety: Predictability of children’s self-regulation ability and mother’s learning involvement. Korean Journal of Child Education and Care, 17(1), 75-98.
  • Jun, E,. & Choi, N. (2016). The relationships between physical and learning classrooms environments of early childhood institutions and children’s preferences for daily activities. Journal of Early Childhood Education & Educare Welfare, 20(4), 9-34.
  • Choi, N., & Kim, S. (2016). Factors affecting mother’s satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and repurchase intention for the complete collection and monography picture books. Korean Home Managment Association, 34(2), 95-111.
  • Sin, M., & Choi, N. (2016). The effects of mother`s academic support on children`s learning motivation and the mediating effects of children`s instrumental competence. The Journal of Child Education, 23(2), 237-256.
  • Lee, M., & Choi, N. (2016). The impact of storytelling grandmothers’ story delivery capability and language teaching efficacy on Their Interactions with Young Children. The Korea Society for Children’s Media, 15(1), 75-99.
  • Moon, H., & Choi, N. (2015). The effects of preschoolers’ school readiness on their self-concepts and learning behaviors. Journal of Human Science, 34(1), 81-99.
  • Lee, J., & Choi, N. (2015). Young children’s reading responsiveness to the pop-up books and regular picture books. Korean Journal of Childcare and Education, 11(5), 215-235.
  • Choi, N. (2015). Development and validation of the scale on young children’s preferences for daily activities in early childhood institutes. Korean Journal of Child Education and Care, 15(3), 293-320.
  • Jun, E,. & Choi, N. (2015). The relationships between home environment stimulation and kindergarteners’ school readiness : The Mediating Effect of Preschool Adjustment. Korea Journal of Child Care and Education, 94, 93-119.
  • Jang, B., & Choi, N. (2014). The relationships among teachers’ multi-media application ability, perception on the use of multi-media for story telling, and application in class. Journal of Korean Child Care and Education, 10(6), 5-23.
  • Park, S., & Choi, N. (2014). The effects of environmental picture book activities on improvement of young children’s vocabulary, knowledge and attitude about environmental preservation. Korean Journal of Child Education and Care, 14(1), 165-191.
  • Jang, H., & Choi, N. (2013). The effects of Montessori language teaching aids on 5-year-olds’ phonological awareness and vocabulary development. Journal of Human Science, 33(1), 121-143.
  • Choi, N., & Jeong, S. (2013). The effects of an school library program using picture books and graphic organizers: First graders’ literacy abilities, book lending frequency, and satisfaction for the program. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(4), 177-207.
  • Choi, N., & Kim, S. (2013). Mother’s preferences for picture books and related variables: Comparison between complete collection and monography. Journal of Korean Council for Children & Rights, 17(4), 515-539.
  • Jeong, S., & Choi, N. (2013). The effects of elementary school students` reading comprehension and reading attitude on their academic achievement. The Journal of Child Education, 22(4), 257-275.
  • Yoo, K., & Choi, N. (2013). The effects of one to one interactive picture book reading on two-year-olds’ verbal & nonverbal reading response and teachers’ language teaching efficacy. Korean Journal of Childcare and Education, 9(5), 251-276.
  • Lee, J., & Choi, N. (2013). The relationship among teacher’s play beliefs, play teaching efficacy and teacher-children interaction. Korean Journal of Child Education and Care, 13(3), 183-203.
  • Jun, E,. & Choi, N. (2013). Mother’s happiness, parenting efficacy, and preschooler’s happiness: The mediating effects of parenting efficacy. Korea Journal of Child Care and Education, 82, 103-126.
  • Kim, S., & Choi, N. (2013). The effects of ego strength, stress coping styles and fear of negative evaluation on children`s peer relationships. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 34(4), 37-52.
  • Kim, T., Choi, N., & Lee, S. (2013). What are computer games for adolescents?. Journal of Korea Game Society, 13(3), 105-120.
  • Kim, S., & Choi, N. (2013). Validating and setting criteria of the ego strength scale for children. Journal of Korean Council for Children & Rights, 17(1), 1-27.