Undergraduate Course Descriptions




Human Development

This is an introductory course which covers basic concepts, topics, and perspectives in Human Development and Family Studies. Students are expected to learn theoretical foundations and recent research trends in Human Development and Family Studies.


Development of Young Children
(in English)

This course overviews theories, research methods, and current issues related to child development. Changes in biology, cognition, language, emotion, personality, and morality from birth throughout childhood are discussed in this course.


Introduction to Early Childhood Educare

This course provides an introduction of early childhood educare. Programs, staffing, scheduling, environmental design, equipment, evaluation, and financing of early child care are included. To understand the potential benefits and problems associated with early child care. it also covers recent findings of early child care. Through this course, students can learn major insights into how the type, amount, and quality of child care interact with child’s nurturing experiences, socioeconomic variables, and other child and family factors to influence individual trajectories.


Family Relations
(in English)

The class covers an introduction of contemporary family relationships based on the theories of family and Korean family studies. A review of mutual family relationship will be discussed. Changes in society and their influences on family relationship will be examined.


Adolescent Development

This class will provide an overview of adolescence developmental phrases and an understanding to qualitative, quantitative aspects in intellectual development.

성인발달과 노화

Adult Development and Aging

This course provides an introduction to concepts, theoretical perspectives, and empirical studies on adult development and aging from the lifespan developmental perspective. The course addresses changes in physical health, cognition, and psychosocial functioning and the implications of these changes for social issues. The course attends to how biological, cognitive and social changes combine to influence overall adaptation throughout the aging process and how research can be applied to promote healthy adult development and aging.

가족위기와 개입

Family Crisis and Intervention
(in English)

This course aims to describe and understand the changing dynamics of family as a social institution. It also covers various family problems and issues found in the process of social changes. Specific topics include poverty, joblessness, violence, international marriages, divorce, cohabitation, and other family disorganization. This course serves sophomore students as the advanced seminar that is build on previous courses on family theories and practices.


Children and Play

Developmental theory suggests that play is a primary factor in the development of intelligence, personality, competencies, sense of self, and social awareness of children. This course examines origins of play as the roots of competence in young children and related aspects of development with implication for practice. Students should engage in guided observation and field experience. Through observations and experience, students are guided in methods of supporting children’s progress through play.

아동·청소년 발달진단 및 심리평가

Child and Adolescent Developmental Diagnosis and Psychological Assessment

This course will focus on assessment and diagnostic methods pertaining to development and psychological aspects of children and adolescents. Students will develop knowledge and skills related to multiple assessment techniques frequently used in determining diagnostic criteria. Such techniques include interviewing, behavior rating scales, behavior observations, and specific standardized instruments designed to aid in the identification of developmental disorders and delays, and the assessment of emotional/behavioral problems in children and adolescents.


Curriculum for Early Childhood Educare

Overview of planning, implementing and evaluating child-centered curriculums, including learning processes, instructional planning, cooperation with parents, and physical and interpersonal environments in early childhood settings. Explore dynamics of curriculum development for young children. It also covers various educare needs of contemporary Korean families found in the process of social changes.


Family Theories

The purposes of this course are to study the assumptions and main concepts of family theories and to understand the contributions and limitations of these theories. In this course, we will first discuss what family theories are and why we need family theories and then we will focus on selected conceptual frameworks that are frequently used in family research today. Students will learn and practice how family theories can be applied to explain various family-related phenomena.


Children’s Language Development and Guidance

This class aims to learn and compare major theoretical issues and researches in language acquisition of phonology, syntax, and semantics from infancy. Ways of creating optimal environment in home and child care center, and effective training methods for language development are probed. The course integrates theory and practice for caregivers to facilitate children’s communication competence. Through this course, students are guided in methods of supporting children’s language competence.


Introduction to Healthy Families

Introduction to Healthy Families is a course that prepares the professionals for their real world practice and assures the practicality of home economics. The course discusses the mission and philosophy of healthy families practitioners improving the quality of family life, reviews various theoretical foundations, and discusses the construction of the policy and delivery system. Types and methods of the healthy families program as a specified service and the desired quality as well as the roles of professionals are also presented.


Family Policy

This course is designed to introduce domestic and foreign public policies about families. Built on the coursework on the general process of policy making, implementation, and evaluation, this course teaches the process of family policymaking at the various levels of governments. By examining the historical development of family policy, we understand the uniqueness of family policy in Korea. Throughout the course, students are expected to discuss on the role of those who major Family Studies in public policy areas.


Art for Young Children

This course is designed for students to learn about the theoretical basis of children’s art, various art education programs, and practical teaching methods. This class will enable students to understand the positive effects of art on children and to have teaching and learning methods to guide art in a developmentally appropriate and systematic way.


Theory on Caring and Teachers for Young Children

This course provides an overview of theories on teacher development with specific emphasis on the ethics of teaching and caring. Students will gain in-depth understanding about the various roles as reflective and caring teachers for young children with professional knowledge and teaching pedagogy.

다문화가족과 글로벌 이슈

Global Understanding of Multicultural Families
(in English)

This course is designed to improve students’ understanding about various types of multicultural families in South Korea and their adaptation. The course will begin by laying a theoretical foundation for understanding their unique situations, followed by taking a close look at the experiences of marriage migrant women, marital and parent-child relationships within families and tasks that family members face as they try to adapt. Issues related to other types of families, such as labor migrant families and North Korean refugee families, will also be discussed. Existing policy and programs will be reviewed. As a course project, students are required to develop a multimedia resource for families of their interest.


Mathematics for Young Children

The purpose of this class is to help students learn the cognitive development in young children ‘s math and how to teach math in a developmentally appropriate way. Students will have the ability to construct math instruction for young children by looking at various mathematics education programs and resources.


Internship in Child Development and Family Studies

This internship course provides students with opportunities for hands-on experience in a professional setting directed toward children, youth, and/or families. Students are expected to develop professional skills and to understand how to link their knowledge in child development and family studies to professional practices through practical training at domestic and international public agencies, research institutions, nonprofit organizations, and related companies.

아동가족 조사분석

Quantitative Research in Child and Family Studies

The basic research design methods employed in child & family studies are examined. This course focuses on proposal writing, conduction pilot research project, collecting data, and interpreting & reporting research results.


Family Life Education

This course focuses on the major concepts and principles of family life education (FLE) as well as on the knowledge and skills needed to design, implement, and evaluate FLE programs. The main themes of this course are (1) introduction to FLE, (2) design, implementation, and evaluation of FLE programs, and (3) FLE content, contexts, and relationships with other practical areas.

고령화와 가족

Aging and Family
(in English)

This course provides a deeper understanding of population aging and the challenges and opportunities adults face at the individual, familial, and societal level due to a prolonged adulthood. The topics include changing views of aging, social ties in later life, intergenerational relationships in aging families, work and retirement, family caregiving and support services for older adults, aging in place, death and bereavement, and social policy issues.


Independent Studies on Child and Family Issues

This class is designed to facilitate independent studies of students on various issues in child development and family studies. Students are expected to participate in the research process with initiatives and to make a presentation to the annual department research symposium. This class is based on a team project.

아동관찰 및 행동연구

Studies in child Behavior and Observation

This course is designed for students to gain knowledge and skills in observing, recording, and interpreting children’s behaviors. Students can enhance understanding of child behavior and develop the observation skills needed for child care, education, and research through the course.

영유아 교수방법론

Teaching Methods for Young Children

Students will learn about the differentiation of young children as learners from school-age children or adolescents and explore teaching and learning methods that are appropriate for the development of young children. In this course, students can develop the ability to evaluate various educare programs and curriculum developed for young children and to construct teaching plans.


Practicum in Educare

This course reviews developmentally appropriate infant educare programs to students. Practices includes physical and social activities, lessons for language.


Family Therapy

This class will provide students with clinical experiences in preparation for family therapist. Students will focus on integrating therapy skills and clinical problem-solving processes, as well as supervised counselling experience in family therapy.

아동권리와 복지

Children’s Right and Welfare

In spite of growing awareness of children’s right for healthy growth and development, their needs for physical, emotional, educational, and therapeutic supports, which are critical for development are still not adequately met. This course defines the object of child welfare and examines practical ways, policies, and systems to fulfil it on the basis of knowledge in children’s rights and welfare principles. Students will gain understanding of current state and various issues in children’s rights and welfare by reviewing the present situation and problems in areas such as child abuse, adoption, child-care, children with special needs, and institutionalized care.

특수아동의 이해

Understanding Children with Special Needs

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the developmental nature and needs of young children with special needs. Students will acquire an understanding of a wide spectrum of development including a variety of disabilities which may adversely affect normal development. Students will recognize the importance of educational support within inclusive early childhood education and care settings. Students will also develop awareness of children with special needs as a family member, the importance of comprehensive family-centered early intervention and the related laws and policies for early intervention and special education.


Thesis Writing in Child Development and Family Studies

This course is designed to help students complete their undergraduate thesis in child development and family
studies. Students will acquire skills and knowledge related to effective academic writing in the area of child development and family studies.

아동가족트렌드와 빅데이터분석

Trends and Big Data Analysis in Child Development and Family Studies

This course is divided into two sections. During the first half of this course, students will understand industrial trends related to children and families and how these trends are intertwined with changes individuals (children), families, and societies are experiencing today. For the second half, students will learn how to utilize big data to analyze industrial and societal trends. The course will focus on the overall process and specific techniques of big data analysis. By taking this course, students will understand the usefulness of child development and family studies as domain knowledge in the era of big data and develop competency in analyzing big data to better understand industrial and societal trends.


Practicum in Family Studies

This course provides a practicum opportunity for students with child development and family studies concentration. Students are expected to participate in various programs and services in family-related service providers and institutes such as local Family Centers. Through intensive training and observations, students can learn how to link the field and academics and build qualification for the professionals. The course offers in Fall semester with an intensive practicum and supervision during the summer break.


Guidance of Young Children

In this course, we will study the basic concepts, necessity, purpose, historical change, and theories of guiding young children. Students will learn the principles, methods, and techniques of guidance for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to cultivate their ability to guide young children’s behaviors. Students will be able to teach desirable habits for daily routine and group lives and to correct maladjustment behaviors and problem behaviors in each developmental area in early childhood institutions.


Counseling Children

With changes in child rearing environment, the need for counseling children is increasing as well. The course provides an overview of theories, methods and current practices of counseling children used to deal with various problems in childhood development. Major theories in counseling children such as psychoanalytic counseling, person-centered counseling, and behavioral therapy are discussed, as well as other adaptive techniques such as play therapy, art therapy, and bibliotherapy which work especially well with children. A review of the procedure and of the role of counselor in counseling children will familiarize students with relevant information and skills required of professionals working with children.

아동가족과 법

Child and Family Law

The course is designed to help students understand how legislation is intertwined with the social definitions and perceptions of issues related to children and families and how various laws and acts influence the well-being of children and families. Specifically, this course covers the Child Welfare Act, the Juvenile Act, the Framework Act on Youth, the Civil Act, and other related laws and acts.

친밀성과 가족

Intimacy and Families

This course is designed to help students learn fundamental knowledge and skills about human intimacy and family relationships in the contexts of increasing diversity in romantic partnerships and families. Based on theories and research findings, we discuss the meanings of intimacy, the various paths of developing and maintaining romantic partnerships, and the processes of and threats to intimate relationships. By taking this course, students will be able to understand and plan for their own intimate relationships and learn how to strengthen their family relationships.



This course aims at an understanding of parental beliefs, values, and roles. The necessity of parental education will be discussed in relation to the trends in and problems of modern society.