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코로나바이러스감염증-19로 인한 공교육 원격수업에 대한 학부모의 인식과 자녀교육 지원현황

저자 : 이보람, 이강이


저널명(출판사명) :  가정과삶의질연구


발행연도(출간연도) : 2021년


권호사항(ISBN) : 39권 2호

초록 (내용소개)

The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the current states of distance learning and the home environment, (2) to classify groups according to the parents’ perceptions on daily life changes due to school closures, and (3) to identify the differences in educational support by groups. For these purposes, the study made use of 1,432 parents’ survey data. The results indicated that distance learning had been conducted in a variety of teaching methods, and the physical home environment was well equipped. As a result of LPA, there were four groups classified according to parents’ perceptions: stressed parents (14.6%), adaptive parents (32.5%), inꠓtensive parents (29.3%), and anxious parents (23.5%). There were significant differences in parents’ educational support by groups as a result of MANCOVA, controlling the impact of sociodemographic variables. Intensive parents, specifically, tend to highly perceive both positive and negative changes and actively support their child’s distance learning. Based on these results, it was found that parents are making efforts to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways under psycho-social pressure, and it was verified that parents’ perceptions could affect their children’s distance learning. Therefore, it was suggested to conduct future research on parental support policies in order to enhance the effectiveness of distance learning.