Context of Biethnic Acceptance, Biethnic Identity Affirmation, and Life Satisfaction among Biethnic Adolescents in South Korea
저자 : Grace H. Chung, Jiyeon Lee, Melinda Gonzales-Backen
저널명(출판사명) : Journal of Adolescence
발행연도(출간연도) : 2020년
권호사항(ISBN) : 80권
초록 (내용소개)
Introduction This study aimed to identify latent profiles based on familial ethnic socialization, peer discrimination, and school multicultural climate among biethnic adolescents in South Korea and to examine how the emerged profiles were related to their life satisfaction.We also examined how biethnic affirmation interacted with the profiles in predicting life satisfaction.
Methods Questionnaire data from the first wave of the Panel Survey of Korean Multicultural Youth Adjustment was used. The sample consisted of 358 biethnic adolescents in 5th and 6th grade in South Korea. The meanage was 11.41 years old. Approximately 60% of the participants were in 5th grade and 51.68% were girls.
Results The results of LPA showed that familial ethnic socialization, peer discrimination, and school multicultural climate formed two distinct profiles in the current sample. These profiles were characterized as contexts of high and low biethnic acceptance. Biethnic adolescents in the context of high biethnic acceptance were significantly more satisfied with their lives than those in the context of low biethnic acceptance.Further, the positive association between biethnic iaffirmation and life satisfaction was more pronounced among adolescents in the context of low biethnic acceptance.
Conclusions Findings suggest the importance of promoting biethnic acceptance across family, peer, and school settings for adolescents’ biethnic affirmation and life satisfaction.