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베트남 출신 결혼이주여성들의 이중민족사회화: 위계의 교차가 만들어내는 다섯가지 실천 유형

저자 : 이지연, 그레이스 정


저널명(출판사명) :  Family Environment & Research


발행연도(출간연도) : 2020년


권호사항(ISBN) : 58권 3호

초록 (내용소개)

This paper explored the marriage migrant mothers’ experiences of parenting bi-ethnic children in South Korea based on the concepts of ethnic socialization and intersectionality. We analyzed in-depth interviews of 22 marriage migrant women from Vietnam residing in the capital region of South Korea. They had at least one child whose biological father is Korean. Children were 5 years old or older, attending preschool or elementary school. Five types of bi-ethnic socialization strategies were identified, which provide portraits of different situations in which marriage migrant women were placed. The five strategies that emerged from the data were 1) “Natural practice of bi-ethnic socialization” including two heterogeneous groups, “Coexistence of two cultures” and “Mixture of two cultures”, 2) “Active practice of bi-ethnic socialization”, 3) “Struggling practice of bi-ethnic socialization”, 4) “Silence on bi-ethnic socialization”, and 5) “Suppressed bi-ethnic socialization”. The strategies of bi-ethnic socialization that marriage migrant women chose to raise their children reflected personal perceptions of Korean society and individual ethnic identity formed within Korean society. This study complements existing research on ethnic socialization by examining how ethnic socialization practices are shaped by multiple contexts marriage migrant women embedded in Korean society.