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다문화 청소년의 민족정체성에 영향을 미치는 부모 요인 분석: 어머니와 아버지의 영향 요인 비교

저자 : 김혜성, Grace H. Chung


저널명(출판사명) : 한국가정관리학회지


발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년


권호사항(ISBN) : 37권 4호

초록 (내용소개)

The purpose of this study was to examine how distinctively mothers and fathers influence the ethnic identity of multicultural adolescents. The data was drawn from the 2015 National Survey on Multi-Cultural Families. The sample included 1,321 multicultural families composed of foreign mothers, Korean fathers, and their adolescent children. Attitudes on multiculturalism, ethnic socialization, and parent-child relationship were selected as parental variables for each parent. For data analysis, a hierarchical multiple regression was conducted. Key findings of the study were as follows. Regarding mothers, only the mother-child relationship significantly predicted the ethnic identity of multicultural adolescents, and accounted for 7% of the variation. The better the mother-child relationship was, the more positive the ethnic identity of multicultural adolescents was. Regarding fathers, father’s attitudes on multiculturalism, ethnic socialization, and the father-child relationship influenced the ethnic identity of multicultural adolescents, and accounted for 2% of the variation. Specifically, multicultural adolescents were more likely to have a positive ethnic identity when their fathers had positive attitudes on multiculturalism, engaged in ethnic socialization, and had a good father-child relationship. Implications for ethnic identity development of multicultural adolescents were discussed.