[Book] Young Children’s Foreign Language Anxiety: The Case of South Korea
저자 : Jieun Kiaer, Jessica M. Morgan-Brown, Naya Choi
저널명(출판사명) : Multilingual Matters
발행연도(출간연도) : 2021년
권호사항(ISBN) : 9781800411616
초록 (내용소개)
This book investigates the effects of foreign language anxiety (FLA) on young language learners, using as a basis for observation the early childhood English education industry in South Korea that has arisen as a result of English fever. The authors combine existing knowledge on the topic of FLA together with original research on FLA in young language learners to fill a large gap in knowledge with regards to this understudied and distinct group of learners. The book includes suggestions for alleviating FLA and encouraging foreign language enjoyment, which can be implemented by parents, teachers and policymakers and which will ultimately facilitate more effective language learning and support children’s psychosocial wellbeing.