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Young children’s L2 vocabulary learning through cooking: The case of Korean EFL children

저자 : Jaeuk Park, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer, Paul Seedhouse


저널명(출판사명) : The Asian EFL Journal


발행연도(출간연도) : 2019년


권호사항(ISBN) : 21권 1호

초록 (내용소개)

This paper aims to combine cooking with language learning to create a sustainable language learning environment for young children. We investigate the pedagogical benefits of cooking as a task in Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) for young learners of English in South Korea. We follow the definition of ‘task’ by Bygate et al. (2001). Our focus is on vocabulary acquisition. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, we prove that tasks such as cooking produces not only better performance, but also creates a positive, enjoyable learning environment for young children. The benefits of cooking in language learning within a TBLT setting has been widely attested in the case of adult learners who are learning European languages (Seedhouse, 2017). There is, however, a lack of equivalent research which demonstrates the pedagogical impact of cooking in the case of young learners, although this is often generally assumed in early-years education.